Leader Training
All registered leaders are required to have current Youth Protection Training. In addition, Leader Specific Training is required for direct-contact leaders in order to be considered "Trained".
The following is a list of direct-contact leaders and their required course codes:
Cub Scouts 
CM Cubmaster C40, Y01
CA Assistant Cubmaster C40, Y01
WL Webelos Leader C42, Y01
WA Assistant Webelos Leader C42, Y01
DL Den Leader C42, Y01
DA Assistant Den Leader C42, Y01
TL Tiger Cub Den Leader C42, Y01
Scouts BSA 
SM Scoutmaster S11, S24, Y01
SA Assistant Scoutmaster S11, S24, Y01
10 Leader of 11-Year Old Scouts (LDS) S11, S24, Y01
NL Advisor P21, Y02
NA Associate Advisor P21, Y01
Sea Scouts 
SK Sea Scout Skipper P44, Y01
MT Sea Scout Mate P44, Y01
Note: Y01 is Youth Protection Training and is required for all registered leaders for registration.
To take selected training courses on-line on a national website, go to My.Scouting.org. To sign in and have your completion of this on-line training recorded, you will need to establish an account using your Council number and Member ID number. You can find these numbers at the bottom of your current registration card. If you do not have a registration card, please contact your District Commissioner or District Executive.
Check the complete Del-Mar-Va Training calendar for upcoming training sessions
Click Here for a listing of Del-Mar-Va Council trainers and Area leadership with contact information
Click here for additional information on adult leader and youth training offered by the National Council Boy Scouts of America

For answers to additional training questions, ask a GURU.

What Makes a Trained Leader?