2024 Fall Popcorn Sale
One Fundraiser to Fund Your Entire Program Year!

How does it work? – Your unit commits to sell popcorn through Trail’s End. You download the Trail’s End App and set up an account for your Scout to sell. Through the App, your scout can take orders, make Wagon Sales, Sell at a Storefront and, share their page to make online sales. Scouts can sell to family and friends near and far! Use the app to accept cash and cards, track sales and redeem TE prizes.
Trail’s End rewards Scouts for sales with Amazon gift cards. Now, Scouts can get anything they want for a prize! Be on the lookout for bonus prizes from Del-Mar-Va Council!
35-40% Unit Commission
Selling popcorn helps Scouts:
-earn their own way to campouts & activities.
-learn public speaking, salesmanship, and math skills.
-learn to set and work towards goals for themselves and the unit.
-share the mission of Scouting with their community.
Find us on Facebook at DMVC Popcorn Forum, to get announcements, special deals, bonus prizes, plus tips and tricks for a successful sale!
Teach Your Scouts How to Make Their Personalized Online Sales Page Today!
Online sales are a great way to tell your Scouting story and sell to friends and family near and far.
Your page can have your pictures, goal, favorite product, and highlight the activities for which you are raising money.