Scouting Fundraisers
Del-Mar-Va Council offers a council-wide popcorn fundraiser, but a local pack or troop can decide to participate in other fundraisers that will help raise money for things they want to do.
Your unit will need to fill out an application and submit it to the council office for approval on fundraisers. In addition to unit fundraisers, the council has an annual fundraiser, Friends of Scouting. Every year, each pack, troop, and crew will receive a Friends of Scouting presentation at their unit meeting, asking for financial support. Money raised from Friends of Scouting helps support council programs.
A proper fundraiser provides leaders the opportunity to show Scouts how they can earn money that will help operate their pack, troop, team, or crew. If your unit would like to have its own fundraiser, please give careful thought as you consider what and how your unit will generate the necessary funds to operate.